Saturday, January 8, 2011

Favorite wedding poses of 2010

I literally have thousands of wedding pictures that I've taken in 2010 and absolutely love! I thought it might be fun to go through the archives and upload some of my favorites.

I have a new laptop and half of the wedding pictures are on the other computer, so I'll give you the best of the HP has to offer! (My poor Dell had a glass of water spilled out it...)

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011: Monthly topics of the New Year

My New Year's resolution- keeping up on the business blog! I would love to say that I'll be blogging daily- even weekly, but in all's probably going to be on a monthly basis. Each month I'll post special discounts, favorite pictures and information on upcoming projects of interest. I'll throw out polls occasionally and find out what you are thinking and how we can serve you better. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week!